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Augmenta Simulator now supports TUIO ! You can now simulate people moving in space with our simulator and send it through TUIO to any kind of creative software that use this protocol. NOTCH or TouchDesigner user community for example can now test any real-time interactive content without any sensor, just by simulating data with our free Augmenta Simulator tool.


Simulate people moving in space with Augmenta Simulator

Augmenta Simulator is a free downloadable software that simulates people moving in space for creative or testing purpose. It really improve your workflow : you can either use it during your creative process and see if you are going on the right way or to test any interactive experience you have in your pocket. It’s pretty handful to test your interactive content without any sensor or if you work long distance with other people and need to try their content.

You just need to generate your space in Augmenta Simulator, add your desirable amount of points and send data to your favorite real-time interactive content software with TUIO protocol. It’s pretty easy !

Augmenta Simulator screenshot

Receive interactive data in TouchDesigner using TUIO

You can now simulate people moving in space and receive it directly in TouchDesigner without any sensors by using TUIO protocol (TUIO is native in TD) :

Receive interactive data in NOTCH using TUIO

Hey Notch users ! You can now simulate people moving in space and receive it directly in Notch without any sensors by using TUIO protocol (TUIO is native in Notch).

Visual artist @Lorenzo Venturini simulating data in Notch VFX using our free project example

Visual artist @Lorenzo Venturini pairing Augmenta Simulator, Notch VFX and Disguise 3

They used Augmenta Simulator to test their interactive content without sensors

Philippe Dubost is a choreographer and performer using new technologies in his shows… and a fellow user of TouchDesigner. He doesn’t own any Augmenta nodes at home but he still can develop interactive experience by simulating people moving data in space and use the data in TouchDesigner.

He use to come sometime in the LabLab immersive space to share his latest work with us and we always have a great time seeing what’s possible with that much creativity !

TouchDesigner interactive wall and floor
TouchDesigner interactive experience
TouchDesigner interactive wall
Philippe Dubost using TouchDesigner interactive wall